Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Halloween Photos

...of me. I didn't bring my camera with me Halloween night, or the next night when I went out. So here are some not-so-great photos from 3:00AM November second when I felt exactly how I looked - like a zombie. I ended up working my first shift that day. I left the house forty minutes before I actually needed to thinking I could grab something to eat, and ended up not having time due to bus delays. I gave myself nearly two hours to get there, and still ended up being ten minutes late. Talk about good first impressions.
It took me over two hours to get home too, so after waking up at 6:30AM and not getting home until 8:30PM I rushed to get into my costume so my makeup didn't turn out how I wanted it at all :(
At least I had fun though!

And hey, if the sight of blood (even fake blood) and bullet wounds and such makes you cringe you may want to avoid the following pictures (and I'm sorry!)

I really love doing SFX makeup. I should get back into it. My work here is shabby, but it's here nonetheless:

Zombie Ballerina. I couldn't find ribbon for my leg laces in time :C
Costume malfunction, oops! Can you tell how half assed these photos are?

My signing off tagline has never felt more appropriate than now.


  1. Oh my gosh! you look awesome and scary as heck! I can't imagine what your full time effort looks like if this is rushed, you did a wonderful job!

  2. I love it! You look awesome and I love the texture you made on your face - perfect for a zombie! I've been wanting to take a dive into the SFX makeups, but everything seems so expensive. Please do more of these posts! <3

    1. Thanks! Honestly that's the main reason I stayed away from it for so long. But if you have eyelash glue it works as a decent substitute for spirit gum, and elmer's glue works in place of latex a lot of the time. I usually make all my own prosthetics from the good stuff if I have it, or tissue/cotton balls and elmer's glue when I've run out of the "pro" stuff. In my experience it works just as well, and it's great to experiment with when you're first starting out because it's so cheap!

  3. Your makeup is amazing. You acutally look like some of your face is missing. You are one talented girl.


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